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Angels and Demons, Venture and Vulture

Yes, I can hear you thinking “Here we go again, bashing everybody else but the nice Venture Capitalists, because the VC’s always got it right”. That would be an easy assumption, however, there is way…

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The importance of product-market fit.

Entrepreneurs can come up with the most complex and genius products which fail in the market for a number of reasons, and a very simple product become the greatest success. There are several key ingredients…

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It was the Dalai Lama who once said “A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.” But what is the meaning of transparency in the world of VC? And why…

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Crowdfunding and VC

In the old days things were easy. If you had an idea to start a new business, either you funded it yourself, or asked your friends and family to chip in. And after a while,…

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